Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Big. Red. Sides. (to cure the winter blues)

Well it has been a while since I last posted, and a lot has happened. Most notably, the holidays. I hope yours were safe and merry. Mine were excellent - it was truly a remarkable experience to watch Drake rip open all that Santa brought him, and run full-speed all day playing with everything, eating sweets, and in general acting exactly like I did when I was a little boy! The change in perspective is truly amazing, and SOOO much fun to experience. For more on this and other recent Rutz events, swing over and check out Bridgette's blog.

As for me - Santa (with some help I'm sure) hooked me up with some nice new fishing gear! Notably: Fishpond's Gore Range tech pack (an absolutely fantastic score), new rubber catch and release net with magnetic release, a new C&F design's fly box (LOVE them), and a new set of pant waders (once I find some that fit!).

Accordingly, until recently it had been pure agony gazing at the thermometer in my kitchen (or the weather report at drill for the National Guard) and seeing below freezing conditions for two sustained weeks. I had been dying to get out and fish! Flies were tied and I was finally ready when the temperatures took an unseasonably warm turn on MLK day (which I happened to have off as a federal employee), and I took off for the South Fork of the Boise - and there were a few redsides that made my day!

Before I show the photos, let me preface this with a couple of statements: First, I can't stress enough how cool it is to have Drake so interested in the fly-tying process. He is so observant, and can name every pattern in my midge box. He also says some of the most hilarious things! Sunday night he helped me tie a few winter staples that I thought I'd need, San Juan Worms, and Zebra Midges. He likes to sit on my lap and "help" while I tie these patterns, and I don't mind with these since they are super easy to tie. Second, the two largest fish of my first day in 2011 were both taken on one of the tiny #20 zebra midges that Drake helped me tie!!

Here's Drake pointing at his favorite - the San Juan Worm, and here's the images from my first day out in this new year - Thanks for the help Drake!!

The River was ready

I was ready (there's the new vest)

First fish of 2011 - what a dandy!! Also a good shot of my new net.

Almost like the twin brother of the first one.