Monday, January 16, 2012

Casting for Schwag

This past weekend was the fly fishing expo in Boise!  It's the first time in several years that the event has not conflicted with my Drill weekend for the good old National Guard.  I was so excited that I loaded the whole family up and headed down there!

As I expected, there was an almost endless array of things to look at - so much that it bordered on overwhelming.

The best part by far was the casting pond.  Towards the end of the evening, they did a "casting for dollars" contest, where you pay a dollar and attempt to land a fly in a small concession-style soda cup at 30 feet for some prizes.  The rod was an Orvis Helios (and of course now I must have one!!), and after playing the "kid card" (helping Drake cast -and of course he was a winner for being such a cute little kid and showing interest in casting), I paid my dollar and nailed it.

 SO - for two dollars, We took home what ended up pricing out at $110 dollars worth of Schwag!! ($80 fly line, and $30 MFC Coffee Mug). 

See you on the River (with hot coffee and new line),
